Summer was a blast, but, like all good things, it came to an end last month. That said, the fun didn’t stop. Neither did the eating! Take a look at some highlights from last month. We’ll see you on a tour real soon!
Read on, and be sure to walk, talk, and eat with us soon!
Tony, The Other Nice Guy …
Words cannot express the joy Tony brought to a recent tour. He’s clearly one of the nicest guys we’ve ever had so I had to give him the shirt off my back to take with him home to Chicago.
Larry The Birdman, My Son, And I …
And pigeons!!!
Supersize Me!
If only they were this big! Imagine?!? Best fries at Pommes Frites NYC!
Stonewall …
The Stonewall Inn’s nearby monument. Something to behold…
#SmallThanks at Google …
Thank you Stacy L. for the #fivestar review! Enjoyed the afternoon with you, too.
Falafel Anyone?
Falafel at Mamoun’s Falafel. You’ll never want it anywhere else after this.
Bleeker Street Pizza = Big Taste and Big Smiles …
Big smiles at one of our most popular spots – Bleecker Street Pizza.
Pastrami Nation …
Katz’s Delicatessen coming right up. Prepare yourself for greatness.
Outside Russ & Daughters …
Explaining the rich history of Russ & Daughters.
National Pizza Day!
It’s #nationalcheesepizzaday so get on that at one of our most popular spots – Bleecker Street Pizza!