As the weather has been getting warmer and warmer, we’ve been meeting more and more new friends. The best thing about my job has always been the people! In our latest newsletter I highlight some of them, and also let you know that for the second year in a row, Nice Guy Tours has received a “Certificate of Excellence” from TripAdvisor. Thank you all for your support. It’s because of all of you that I truly feel like I have the best job in the world!

As loyal customers and friends, we want to keep you up-to-date with all that’s going on in Nice Guy Tours land.  Each month, we’ll provide you with five “Nice” stories:

1. Nice Guy or Gal of the Month – Each month, we’ll get to know one of our tour guests.
2. “NYCE” Tip – Stick with Dante, he knows these streets.
3. Dear Dante – This month, we actually got a letter!

Read on, and be sure to walk, talk, and eat with us soon!

#1 – Nice Guy Of The Month … Marcia

Don’t mind my hair it was raining all day!

This is my new friend Marcia. We took turns carrying her purse for her. She came on the tour recently with Harvey, her husband of 58 years. She also had some other family tagging along. Her son-in-law Jeff was one of them and she told me, “we call him our son though. He’s not really our son-in-law, he’s our son.” When she spoke about her children and grandchildren she said glowing and wonderful things about them. She told me, “the food was great but it’s not what makes the tour. You make the tour what it is with your personality.”

As she walked away I told her, “I think I love you” and she responded, “I know I love you.”

I love you too Marcia. I love you, too.


#2 – “NYCE” Tip … Little Twists

Find out a bit about rugelach!


#3 – Dear Dante … Take Two Tours and Call Me in the Morning? A Prescription to Nice Guy Tours!

I first heard about Nice Guy Tours after an appointment to see my doctor in Birmingham, England. I told her that I was going on a second trip to New York, after having a wonderful holiday there during 2017 with friends, and also wanted my daughter and daughter-in-law to experience a trip to NYC, too.

Anyhow, my doctor shared with me her memories of a holiday in NYC herself, and asked me if I had been to Greenwich Village last year, then highly recommended the Nice Guy Food Tour with Dante. Most patients usually leave their doctor’s with a prescription for medication, but I walked out with a handwritten prescription with “Nice Guy Food Tours” on it, which I found quite comical.

I took her valuable advice, and am so very glad I did. My daughter-in-law is a devoted fan of the Friends series, and my doctor told me you also see the Friends building exterior shots, so it had to be a must for her.  We had an awesome tour with the awesome Dante – what a character and boy is he a knowledgeable chap.

My girls’ favorite food was the cream pizza from ‘Artichokes’ and mine was the Belgian fries from Pommes Frittes. But to be quite honest, I loved all of the food, because eating is my favorite pastime!  My keep fit instructor is going to NYC in June, and I’ve now highly recommended the food tour to her and her husband, who seem quite keen.

I’m hopefully doing a return trip with friends in 2019 to visit my cousin in New Jersey, and hope will be able to do another Nice Guys Food tour with Dante.

– Kathy Mooney

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