I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, there’s no better time to visit New York City! July was a very hot month for us, but we walked, talked, and ate our way through it! Here’s our latest newsletter that chronicles some highlights of the hot month! Can’t wait to see you on a tour soon. Stay cool like Fonzie!

Read on, and be sure to walk, talk, and eat with us soon!

Pizza Stops With @StarvingActressNYC … 

“Larry The Birdman” At Washington Square Park … 

Some of my customers are bold enough to do a bit more than simply feed the birds!


Hanging Out …

Just chilling out with some customers between stops. I always love getting to know their stories.


Meet, Greet, and Eat!

I always sprinkle my tours with NYC history and “feed you.” Here’s me explaining that to a lovely group before we go for some falafel at Mamoun’s Falafel.


Smiling Is My Favorite …

Nothing but smiles when you come on one of my tours. I promise! Book today at niceguytours.com! Spread the love (and the food!)


Private Tour With Over 30 Friends! 

30-plus strong from Procter & Gamble joined me recently for a private tour and we had a blast! Can you spot me in the pic? It’s always cool to do large groups!

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